Litter-free Helsinki

Littering costs millions of euros to Helsinki every year. It is also a threat to the environment, causes health hazards and makes our city less attractive. Helsinki, together with other operators, uses a number of means to address littering – join us!

Seagulls serve as the face of the Litter-free Helsinki campaign.

Helsinki trains seagulls as rubbish collectors

Could seagulls provide a solution to Helsinki’s litter problem? Join Head of Environmental Affairs Esa Nikunen to see how seagulls are being trained to pick up litter!

#RoskatonHelsinki social media

Take a picture of your action against littering and share it on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #RoskatonHelsinki.

Cigarette but
Photo: Funkenzauber

Did you know…

Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter in the world. Their decomposition can take up to 10 years, during which they break down into tiny microplastics that will remain in the environment. More than 3 billion cigarette butts end up in nature in Finland every year.

More filthy facts about litter


Check out the Litter Free events near you.